My First Post

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This is a test post:

I am going to a hernia surgery leaving home at 11:30 in a clinic. Surgery starts 12:45 pm local. The doctor is Glenn Sandler. When you get this e-mail it means everything in order.

Contact clinic (301) 251-4128. Contact Bou (301) 385-9250. I will be perfectly OK.

The second thought I had this morning (7:23 am) also to be staying connected with you all. This site will be having a Vault with key shared only with only my children.  There is another site for my grands (I love each one them, so marvelous creation!). That site is Stay tuned when I am able to launch both effectively.

I will also be continuing the for general community which I have been having for last 5-7 years.

If you want a different e-mail for the Vault, let me know.

How you should use this site:
Posts are open to all that means anybody can read it publicly.
There will be “pages” like Phase III and can be by “user key” activation only.

You can suggest anything you want and I will take care of it.

Do not read any other part of it. Lots of junk removal needed after I get back to speed.

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